Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (2025)


Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (1)

By Drew Ferguson

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Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (5)

Archon Hunts in Warframe are multi-part missions, but the most relevant portion of them is at the end: the actual Archon fight. These fights introduced mechanics that change up the combat and the way damage is dealt quite significantly, and you might want to come in with a certain playstyle or build in mind to get through it in one piece.


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From Nezha to Saryn, here are our picks for Warframe's most powerful frames.

Certain Warframes will be more useful than others, particularly for your first few times through the Archon Hunt. Generally, you're looking for some combination of survivability and damage. Some are heavily stacked one way or the other in that regard, and depending on your preference, any of those can be viable.

7 Revenant

The Revenant warframe is a good choice for Archon Hunts, as he has a great combination of survivability and damage; you can either choose to last longer in battle or be able to deal so much damage that you don't have to last long at all. The survivability comes in the form of Revenant's Mesmer Skin, which surrounds him in energy and redirects damage to his attackers, stunning them as well. This is going to do a lot to keep him on his feet, which is important in Archon Hunts in particular because, in these, you cannot respawn.

Apart from the Mesmer Skin, Revenant has multiple abilities that deal high damage to a crowd of enemies; he can Enthrall enemies and turn them against their allies, and he also has Reave, which can take you away from a larger group while you siphon health and energy from whoever stands in your path. Last, Danse Macabre, deals high AoE damage by blasting energy in every horizontal direction, modifying Damage Type for peak effect on different defenses, and redirecting damage similarly to Mesmer Skin.

6 Citrine

For a more team-focused defensive Warframe, give a chance to Citrine, who has multiple abilities that buff allies' ability to stay on their feet, ranging from buffing their defense to improving their health recovery rate. Passively, Citrine improves her nearby allies' health regeneration by up to 25 per second, and actively, she can use Preserving Shell to give herself and her allies a shield that decays over time a shell is improved by kills and assists made while the shell is active.

On top of these abilities, she has Prismatic Gem, a technique that causes status effects, which can help bring the Archon down significantly faster, and Fractured Blast, which helps to drop more Health and Energy orbs. And in terms of crowd control, Citrine can use Crystallize to attach crystals to enemies that, when shot, deal critical damage to the enemy; this is a great combo of crowd damage and control ability, which can be a great way to gain a second or two to recover instead of taking constant fire from enemies.

5 Rhino

Rhino is a fairly easy warframe to obtain, and another very good option for a survivable build mixed with crowd control possibilities; he has damage buffing abilities for not just himself, but allies as well, which can make a significant difference in the final fight of the Archon Hunt. Rhino does not buff his allies' defense or health like Citrine does, but he can do it for himself with his Iron Skin, which still makes a difference and makes him a good option for fighting the Archon alone, as this defensive ability doesn't require allies to make the most of it. ​​​​​​​


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From Incarnons to Lich weapons, these are the best primary weapons you can use in Warframe.

The same can be said for his damage-buffing ability Roar; while this does buff Rhino and his allies when playing solo, buffing Rhino is good enough in a lot of cases. When it comes to crowd control, Rhino can deal good damage and move with some serious swiftness, as his Rhino Charge lets him close the gap on his enemies nearly immediately, making it useful for a movement ability and a damage ability. And last, his Rhino Stomp is a great way to buy some extra time when you're surrounded by enemies, giving you a moment to recover.

4 Gauss

Gauss is a warframe that places tremendous value on staying on the move; by constantly moving with his incredible speed he can debuff enemies, keep himself charged with energy, and ensure that, even if enemies get a chance to hit him, it isn't going to do them much good. His passive ability recharges his shield up to 120% faster, and with an up to 80% shorter delay, based on how much his battery has charged (also based on his movement).

Gauss can also give himself armor that converts incoming damage into energy, enabling him to use his abilities more often. In terms of AoE, Gauss can either drain his battery and inflict Heat on nearby enemies, do the opposite and charge his battery, inflicting Cold, or overlap both to use the Blast combo effect; either way, it's an easy status effect applier that hits everyone near him.

3 Wisp

Wisp is going to be difficult for enemies to keep track of, and beneficial to her entire team; while she can be used perfectly well solo, Wisp shines the more teammates she has a chance to buff with her abilities. Wisp turns invisible when in midair (which, in Warframe, is fairly often), making it a lot more difficult for enemies to get a clean shot on her, thus improving her survivability tremendously. She can also teleport by using her Wil-O-Wisp and Breach Surge abilities, allowing her to get to safety with immediacy.

When it comes to ally survivability, Wisp has them covered, too, as she can improve her allies' movement and attack speed, or improve their health and healing with her Reservoir ability. Wisp does not have an abundance of damaging abilities, but the primary damaging ability she does have makes up for it, as her Sol Gate unleashes a plasma beam at enemies that causes increasing damage the longer it hits them. This does fire in a straight line so is not necessarily going to hit a ton of enemies, but is going to do significant damage to what it does hit.

2 Trinity

Few Warframes are capable of providing as much support as Trinity, since she can do a little bit of everything when it comes to support, from healing to providing energy, and damage immunity as well. This means she doesn't have many damaging abilities, but as part of a team, she can be a real boon, as her Well Of Life regenerates your teammate's health in a radius around the enemy; it's a great way to provide passive healing, and attacking the enemy within the Well is going to increase that healing.

Her Energy Vampire ability gives energy over time to allies, allowing everybody to use their abilities more often, and even though Trinity isn't providing that extra damage herself, allies can do extra damage because of her. Next, her Link ability allows you to channel the damage she takes into a nearby enemy; this improves her survivability a lot because if she can stay on her feet, she's able to keep her teammates on their feet, too. Last, Blessing is a more straightforward healing ability, allowing her to heal allies near her immediately.

1 Oberon

Oberon can provide a meaningful amount of support but also has some damage and crowd control abilities that fit him nicely in between roles, and he can be played to fit one role more than the other, or as a combination, providing a bit of both. In terms of support, Oberon has a couple of active options, as his Reckoning ability has a chance to spawn health orbs on enemies that are eliminated by the ability, and his Renewal heals allies near him over time.

Damaging-wise, Oberon has multiple options, all of which are great for dealing damage to multiple enemies simultaneously. The Reckoning ability that was mentioned before does damage and lifts enemies into the air, keeping them from being a problem for a second or two, and his Hallowed Ground damages enemies in front of him over time, while Smite blasts an enemy in front of him, with that damage extending to enemies nearby.

Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (8)

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Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (14)
Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (15)

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Third-Person Shooter


Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (21) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:74/100 Critics Recommend:53%
PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series S , Xbox Series X , Switch

March 25, 2013
Digital Extremes
Digital Extremes

Online Multiplayer

Evolution Engine

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Violence

How Long To Beat
100+ Hours


Platforms That Support Crossplay
PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One &Xbox Series X|S

Cross-Platform Play
PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S
  • Live-Service Games
  • Warframe

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Warframe: 7 Best Warframes For Archon Hunts (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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