2014 Sep 3
Map editors only allow for 8 view angles for sprites. Is there a way to get around that? If not then there is only so much you can do to smooth the animation. Sure, you can have multiple frames per angle but turning will never be smooth.
2014 Sep 3
Doomsday and ZDoom allow 16 rotations for sprites. Both use the same lump names; TROOA1-A9 TROOAA-AG
Here's the ZDoom wiki page on 16 rotation naming (Dday has no wiki page for the feature as far as I am aware); http://zdoom.org/wiki/creating_new_sprite_graphics
2014 Sep 3
that should smooth it considerably. The question is, which costs the most? Do sprites cut framerate more than models?
2014 Sep 3
I wonder about the same question. Anyway, I remade idle animation (this time 6 frames instead of 5) and make fight frames (10 frames for 5 angles):
Tea Monster
2014 Sep 3
It looks a lot smoother. The only problem at the moment is the feet skate about the center point of the sprite, which looks weird. The motion is a LOT better though.
2014 Sep 4
Good work on the new idle animation Reinchard. That is a considerable improvement.
2014 Sep 4
it seems to still have 8 view points. but the real question is, what makes the higher frame rate, sprite or model? Doomsday is not known for it's framerate. I am interested in gaining frame rate but it seems that doomsday can't deliver. I have an amd 5770 , actually I have two but crossfire doesn't seem to help at all.
2014 Sep 4
Do you get a higher FPS in the same area, with models on or off. That is the only way to answer your question.
But yes, Doomsday's frame rate is, in general, very low compared to other ports, mainly due to a renderer that is poorly suited to modern setups. A new modern orientated renderer is on the cards, with a beta of a new model rendering element appearing in 1.15.
Large optimizations to related systems are also being done/prepared under the hood, that are currently largely not visible due to bottlenecks caused by the existing renderer; the completed new renderer may be many magnitudes faster than the existing one, but it's undermined if it has to wait on other systems.
2014 Sep 4
without high resolution sprites it wouldn't be a valid test. At present, turning off models gives me another 20 fps. but that is with the original sprites.
2014 Sep 4
I don't notice any difference in fps when I spawn my hires imp, but I use GZDoom and with command vid_fps 1 I see some very big number of fps, so I don't know is that bug or something but everything look very smooth (even in map16 where are many imps in that same time on screen). I don't know if Doomsday support additional frames, like that from my decorate for GZDoom.
I create new walk animation (this time with 16 frames for every angle, so it now look smooth) + pain and death animation. I decide that there will be no additional angles for death animation. The only thing missing was a xdeath animation and blood/gore graphic.http://youtu.be/ioy7Uoy9hZA
2014 Sep 5
PostFatal wrote:
I have an amd 5770 , actually I have two but crossfire doesn't seem to help at all.
You do realize that if the software is not written to take advantage of the hardware, you can upgrade until you are blue in the face with no difference, right? Get a r9 290 and it still won't make a difference. I tried it. If they make it so it can use multicore + use the gpu more, that would be the key. Of course remaking programs to be multicore doesn't seem common and from what I hear is very difficult, so they move towards making it use gpu more and more.
2014 Sep 26
Here's upcoming Shotgun guy, currently on sculp stage:
http://imgur.com/qoOO5aIThere are few things missing, like ammo pockets, blood stains, shotgun.. And his face is not painted yet.
2014 Sep 26
Hopefully the new models have death animations and damage stages.
2014 Sep 26
My Imp have them both - you can see it in link two posts above.
2014 Sep 26
I forgot these were sprites. The human looks like a model. It would be neat though to have hi res sprites like this combined with Brutal Doom. Oddly enough, the maker of that mod hasn't used hi res sprites.
2014 Sep 26
woah, that shotgun soldier looks fantastic reinchard
Tea Monster
2014 Sep 26
2014 Sep 26
gary wrote:
I forgot these were sprites. The human looks like a model. It would be neat though to have hi res sprites like this combined with Brutal Doom. Oddly enough, the maker of that mod hasn't used hi res sprites.
I believe that he said that the human IS a model and is in the sculpting stage. When he is satisfied, he will pose it and or animate it and take screens from various angles to make his sprites. Isn't that correct? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the process?
2014 Sep 26
You're 100% correct. That's the proces I'm using for Imp before.
2014 Sep 26
gary wrote:
I forgot these were sprites. The human looks like a model. It would be neat though to have hi res sprites like this combined with Brutal Doom. Oddly enough, the maker of that mod hasn't used hi res sprites.
I think you under-estimate the work required to make sprites and models.
Still, it's looking like there will be a good amount of Doom monster model's ready to be converted to suitable formats to test 1.15 with.
Sergeant, Imp, Demon, Caco Demon, Barron of Hell, Cyber Demon, Spider Demon
Macubus, Arch Vile
There seems to be no non MD2 or DMD Doom weapon models, Doom scenery models etc, unless I'm simply forgetting or not finding them. Nothing at all for the other games.
Tea Monster
2014 Sep 27
There are some scenery models being worked on. They are all very WIP.
2014 Sep 27
Well, monster models I think take priority over the others, but that is all good. Neat that so many are close to being ready. Also seeing a normal map texture pack in the future to replace the hi-res texture pack will be neat. What is around the horizon is a huge long awaited milestone.
2014 Sep 27
Tea Monster wrote:
There are some scenery models being worked on. They are all very WIP.
One thing I wonder is with model animation being completely detached from states with the new model renderer, wheter a looping model animation will be possible on models attached to mobjs with -1 length states. Currently, as far as I am aware, one can define a model animation longer than a state, but I don't think one can make it loop unless the states of the mobj it's attached to loop.
I'm thinking of things like the candles of models for the candelabra or, er, candle, being able to flicker and loop, despite the mobjs not having looping states.
Makes me wish similar existed for adding sprite animation to the original mobjs where the states don't allow it; I know with a custom mobj, one can define all the states they want, but one can't touch the original mobjs states unless they are happy loosing Dehacked compatibility. I'm thinking flags like iwad only, pwad only etc will then allow those sprite animations to be disabled if things like Dehacked touch the mobj/state (or a pwad has a sprite replacement).
But I figure since it is only of use for the original mobjs (and that's all I was thinking of when I wrote the above), it's probably not going to happen.
2014 Sep 27
That is a situation where worldtime animation is applicable, which, allows exactly that.
2014 Sep 29
Hi guys im new here and unsure if this the correct thread to post this but I am really interested in the sprite project specially the 8X high res sprites being from Theif666 from Zdoom forum for the doomsday engine. was wondering if there are any downloads yet for this project as cant seem to find a working link?
2014 Oct 1
Thanks for opinion guys. In the meantime I'm back to my hud weapons. Here is new beretta. I have 10 frames of animation for them, rendered with motion blur so final effect is extremely smooth. Still workin on this.
2014 Oct 1
not bad
2014 Oct 1
the looks really nice
love to see what you do with the chaingun
2014 Oct 1
Some improvements and video with 3 kind of animation (11, 8 and 6 frames - every frame was rendered with motion blur, and every version looks very smooth too me - this may be hard to look on YT). I test different versions because ZDoom have one tic per frame limitation and with full 11 frames this animation looks too slow too my. 6 frames have best dynamic. Overall speed is not exactly the same like in Doom, because is just test.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnkzbeZ ... e=youtu.be
First sprite:
http://imgur.com/2K3Uwtr -
Tea Monster
2014 Oct 2
Looks good, but it needs a specular highlight to give it a bit of life.
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